1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Institute of Pathology
mbart 15.02.2023

Attendance rules

We would like to emphasize that one of the conditions for obtaining your credit for the semester is sufficient attendance.

Attendance of the entire block of lessons continues to be mandatory. Both the practice lesson and the seminar attendance is mandatory, and counts together as one teaching block - i.e. in order to obtain the attendance for that day, the student must be present for both the practice lesson and the seminar. The seminars represent a mandatory part of the lessons.

The students are allowed to have a total of 3 "excused" (i.e. justifiably substantiated by a reason they provide their teacher with) absences for the entire semester.

number of views: 337 author: mbart, last modification: mbart, 15.02.2023
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