Dear colleagues,
In the summer semester, your pathology classes will follow the same structure as in the winter semester, with the respective addition of the Additional groups A/B - your assigned groups and divisions therefore remains the same.
The syllabus for the summer semester classes for students of General Medicine is provided HERE.
The syllabus for the summer semester classes for students of Dentistry is provided HERE.
The rooms assigned for student groups based on the week (odd/even) of the semester is available HERE.
The list of teachers assigned to the study groups for the winter semester is HERE.
The up-to-date pathology syllabus for Dentistry students for the summer semester 23/24 is available HERE, or as an attachment to this post.
Note: In the summer semester, Dentistry students no longer share their syllabus with General Medicine students. Dentistry students have their own syllabus, which is provided in this post.
The up-to-date pathology syllabus for General Medicine students for the summer semester 23/24 is available HERE, or as an attachment to this post.
You can also see the list of group teachers and the assigned rooms for lessons/file/6868/rozmisteni-vyuky-ap-ls.pdf for the summer semester.
Note: In the summer semester, Dentistry students no longer share their syllabus with General Medicine students. Dentistry students have their own syllabus, which is provided in a separate post dedicated to Dentistry only.
The credit will be awarded to students after fulfilling the following conditions:
1. During the course of the semester, each student must take all of the General pathology tests available on Moodle. More information about the tests is available here. In order to obtain the credit it is necessary to succesfully pass test (the result itself does not matter, the point threshold is set automatically in the system). There is no time limit to how long you can take to fill out the test. The students can take these tests in any order they wish to and at any time, provided that they have taken all of the tests by the end of winter semester.
2. Meeting the attendance requirements - Attendance of these practical classes (i.e. both microscopy practices and SEMINARS) continues to be mandatory. The students are allowed to have a total of 3 excused absences for the entire semester.
Every student needs to attend pathology classes as a part of their assigned study group, as is stated and planned in the sylabus. It is not possible to move to a different class to take your pathology lesson, with the following exceptions:
We would like to emphasize that one of the conditions for obtaining your credit for the semester is sufficient attendance.
Attendance of the entire block of lessons continues to be
mandatory. Both the practice lesson and the seminar attendance is mandatory, and counts together as one teaching block - i.e. in order to obtain the attendance for that day, the student must be present for both the practice lesson and the seminar. The seminars represent a mandatory part of the lessons.
The students are allowed to have a total of 3 "excused" (i.e. justifiably substantiated by a reason they provide their teacher with)
absences for the entire semester.
Dear colleagues,
individual consultations with teachers are possible to arrange after a previous mutual agreement with the chosen teacher, and after the regular teaching period has ended. If you have any questions during the regular teaching period, use some of the usual ways of consulting a problem – ask your group teacher during practice lessons / seminars, or if you have questions about something from the lectures use the allotted time during/at the end of a lecture when the professor takes questions.
Dear colleagues,
based on our previous agreement, the PDF versions of lectures will be provided to the students always after the lecture has been given in person according to the syllabus. The materials will be uploaded to the SIS and to the Files on MS Teams.
Dear colleagues,
in relation to recent repeated incidents we would like to
bring the following to your attention – it is strictly prohibited to smoke in
all of the facilities and areas of the General University Hospital. The
Institute of Pathology is a shared department of the 1st Faculty of Medicine
and General University Hospital and as such is not an exception to this rule.
Therefore, smoking is prohibited on all of the premises of the Institute, including the front stairs in front of the main door and the adjacent park in front of the building. It is also prohibited to litter on these premises, which includes discarding used cigarette stubs.
Dear colleagues,
according to standard rules you are allowed to have 3 excused absences during the semester - this also covers cases when you cannot come to your lesson due to COVID-quarantine, problems with traveling from your countries to the Czech republic, or for any other reasons related to the pandemic. Based on the current epidemiological situation in the Czech republic, we expect that these cases will only be rare, and you will use your alloted absences for these cases. Should the situation deteriorate and the numbers of students who are quarantined increase, we will be offering make-up online practice lessons once a week. If that happens, you will all be notified through Teams. It is also possible to make up a missed practice lesson in the same week with a different study group, after arranging it with the respective group teacher.
Absences should be excused to your group teachers and the general rule is that anything related to your attendance should always be taken up with your group teacher.
The list of exam topics for students of General Medicine valid for the academic year 22/23 is available HERE, or as an attachment to this post.
The current list represents an updated version of exam topics, and covers the entire spectrum of pathology in the same way that it is taught to you. We have designed the topics to reflect a modern approach to pathology, classifications and the subjects as a whole with the aim to make the preparation for your exam clearer and easier.
The list of exam topics for students of Dentistry valid for the academic year 22/23 is available HERE, or as an attachment to this post.
The current list represents an updated version of exam topics, and covers the entire spectrum of pathology in the same way that it is taught to you, taking into account the extent of knowledge required of Dentistry students. We have designed the topics to reflect a modern approach to pathology, classifications and the subjects as a whole with the aim to make the preparation for your exam clearer and easier.
During the pathology course the students will attend autopsy practices and laboratories accessible only for doctors, medical staff and students. It is therefore necessary to have your identification badge with a photograph with you !!!
The teaching process is realized on all three floors. Please do not forget that you enter an area with the risk of infection and stick therefore to the hygiene rules. Keep the corridors and auditorium halls clean.
Besides the teaching process standing diagnostic activity is performed during the whole day for the Faculty General Hospital. Keep the noise during the breaks on a tolerable (academic) level.
We are continuously working on improving our teaching methods and available study aids for our students, and that is why at the moment we are working on creating a dedicated online gallery of macroscopic pathology photos, all sourced from our own archives of autopsy and biopsy cases.
The gallery will serve as an extra resource of reliable, teacher-verified information to provide you with as high-yield study materials as possible.The gallery should be finished and published during March 2020 and the students will be informed about its launch during their regular classes as soon as it is ready. The link to the gallery will be provided here, on our department website.
Until our gallery is ready, we invite you to make use of some of the freely available online galleries of other institutions, such as the Pathology Education Instructional Resource Library (PEIR).