European Fund for Regional Development
Prague and EU – An Investment to Your Future
OPPK - Operační Program Praha Konkurenceschopnost (Operational Programme Prague Competitivness)
Laboratories for Cancer Research
The project CZ.2.16/3.1.00/24509 Laboratories for Cancer Research co-financed by OPPK has been targeted to construct Laboratories for Cancer Research in newly reconstructed part of The Institute of Pathology and thus increase the quality and range of research activities of the Institute, namely in the field of cancer diseases.
The project has been successfully fulfiled on the September 30th 2015.
Activities included:
- Project iniciation
- Market survey regarding reqired devices
- Detailed evaluation of technical parameters of all devices, service conditions and costs
- Competetive tendering for purchase of all devices
- Selection of contractors with the best cost / effectivness ratio
- Purchase of new devices:
o Transmission electrone microscope with photographic and digital camera
o Fluorescence microscope
o Computer image analysis - module for cytogenetics
o PCR box
o Centrifuge
o Electrophoresis
o Fluorometer
o DNA integrated centrifugal concentrator with vacuum pump
o Optical microscope with camera 2x
o Tissue microarray (TMA)
o Computer image analysis - module for optical microscopy
o Automatic machine for DNA isolation
o Tissue homogenizer for subsequent isolation of nucleic acids
- Instalation of devices in particular laboratories
- Function testing
- Connecting with current devices in a functional research unit
- Employees training for work with new technologies
- Creating functionally united workplace for cancer research
- Trial run
The project has been realized from May 1st till September 30th 2015.