1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Institute of Pathology
mbart 23.10.2019

Case of the Month - Cases from the academic year 2018/2019

Past cases from Case of the Month, listed chronologically. They are all available for download either directly through the link or in the SIS under the subjects Pathology 1 or 2: 

Case of the Month 10/18 – Acute myocardial infarction

Case of the Month 11/18 – Gaucher disease

Case of the Month 12/18 – Infectious endocarditis

Case of the Month 1/19 – Generalised lung carcinoma

Case of the Month 2/19 – Giant cell myocarditis

Case of the Month 3/19 - Primary dural lymphoma

Case of the Month 4/19 – Chronic peptic duodenal ulcer

Case of the Month 5/19 – Thanatophoric dysplasia



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