1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Institute of Pathology
mbart 17.09.2018

Case of the Month - Introduction


6495The newly established feature called "Case of the Month" is dedicated to all pathology students who are interested in additional information, fresh from the daily routine work of our bioptic and necroptic laboratories.

At the beginning of every month, a new article will be added focusing on a selected case from our practice. We will use this case in order to comprehensibly demonstrate the selected example of a disease or a diagnosis, complete with a suggestion of which exam topic the disease would fall under. Where a classification is available, a short overview of the classification along with the placement of the discussed disease in the classification will be provided, thus providing the students with an overview of a differential diagnosis as well. Every case description will include authentic macro- and microphotos, short medical history and a brief summary of the most important theoretical background information.

The aim of these posts is the introduce the students to interesting and above all illustrative examples of pathological states and disorders which might otherwise be overlooked during lectures or seminars, or diseases which we consider so important that we want to dedicate more time and focus to them. At the same time, these cases will be presented to you in the same context in which we are confronted with them - in the context of a patient and a medical history, not as an isolated chapter in a pathology textbook.
We hope that you will welcome this opportunity to peek behind the curtain of the normal pathology practice and that you will find the case demonstrations to be a useful addition to your studies.






Zvýšení kvality vzdělávání na UK a jeho relevance pro potřeby trhu práce, CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_015/0002362

number of views: 837 author: mbart, last modification: mbart, 17.09.2018
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