1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Institute of Pathology
mbart 07.10.2024

Extracurricular activities available at the Department of Pathology in the winter semester 24/25

Students with a deeper interest in the field of pathology now have an opportunity to take a part in a number of offered activities and excursions, which will be provided on the below-specified dates and times. Aside from this activities, it may be possible to also be involved in the research projects of the Institute of Pathology - however, due to the highly specialized nature of our research, the opportunities are not as frequent as they may be in other departments and their capacity is therefore very limited. The possible participation always depends on the current situation and individual arrangement - in case of interest please contact MUDr. M. Kendall Bártů, Ph.D. for more information.

The list of activities offered is available HERE, all the necessary information is provided in the list together with the dates and conditions.

All the activities are primarly aimed and intended for students of 4th - 6th year, i.e. students who have already passed their Pathology exam. The topics we discuss as a part of these activities are usually of a higher level (post-graduate education) and are meant to serve as a way to build on the knowledge you have acquired in the basic Pathology course during the 3rd year. However that being said, it is possible to make an exception for highly motivated students from the 3rd year, who excell at the education provided on this level. In case of interest in any of the provided activities you only need to sign up using the email addresses provided as a part of the list.

It is our hope that students who have taken a liking to pathology will use this opportunity to gain more experience with the field than what we can provide during the basic 3rd year training. If you are interested in any of the activities we will happily do our best to demonstrate the work and possibilities of modern pathology.

number of views: 115 author: mbart, last modification: mbart, 07.10.2024
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