1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Institute of Pathology
mbart 05.03.2024

Self-study pathology tests on Moodle - Pathology 2


Dear colleagues,

Please note that the Pathology courses have been moved from the Moodle 1 of Charles University to the Moodle of the 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University. Please use the procedure below to log in. If you have already completed some tests, you will need to retake them, as it is not possible to move user data with the course.

Dear colleagues,

We have opened Pathology 2 course on Moodle 1 UK, which currently contains 13 available tests covering the spectrum of all of the organ pathology topics. The course should serve as an additional way to check your progress during self-studying, as the spectrum of questions and answers is aimed especially on basic knowledge and connections, which often seem to be troublesome during final exams.

Passing the course is one of the conditions for receiving your credit for the subject Pathology in the summer term. In order to pass the course it is necessary to successfully complete all 13 tests, i.e. you need to reach the minimum amount of right answers for every test. All of the tests can be taken repeatedly (the number of attempts is unlimited) and you can use this to either re-take the test in case of failing to reach the necessary score, or to revise the topic before your exam. The course is not timed. The course is not timed.

The tests are available HERE, or you can find the test on Moodle 1. LF UKCourses categories – select the appropriate study program and year – course Pathology 2 - Enroll yourself into the course​.

Students of dentistry enroll using the same link for the same course. This course is also listed in the course structure for Pathology B03149.

The log in credentials are identical to your credentials used for CAS (SIS). The password to access the tests: glomerulus.

number of views: 1238 author: mbart, last modification: mbart, 05.03.2024
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